Have you ever found yourself wondering…

Hello Beautiful Mamma,

Have you ever found yourself wondering…

Am I going to make it out (of motherhood) alive?!

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person to have thought this. Especially of late. This marathon, with no end in sight has got us all BEAT. For me it is manifesting with itchy eyes, snapping hair, squishy postpartum belly two years later. Sneezing like crazy and peeing when I do. And fatigue. Oh the fatigue!  

 I discovered I was pregnant with my 3rd before I was even 6 months postpartum with my 2nd. Woops! And my number one son requires a lot of my attention and energy, pretty much at all times with his special needs. And my kids don’t go to sleep easily at night and when they do, they won’t STAY the fuck asleep!!!

I’m exhausted. The root cause of it all is post-natal depletion which stems from a great lack of community support ever since I began birthing my children.

Nothing is more important than embodying all that I know right now to support my depleted system and bring me back to balance.

Raising children is supposed to be done with the support of an entire community. Yet pretty much all modern mothers are doing it ALONE.  We are built to deal with- and then recover from stress. But the chronic stress from of the amount that we have to do in a day (and through the night) with no recovery… is wiping us out. 

 Chronic levels of cortisol exposure- the bodies stress release hormone, is robbing our bodies ability to produce all of the life-giving hormones that allow us to thrive, resulting in burn out, anxiety, fatigue, digestive issues, depression, auto immune problems… the list goes on. And on. And on.

 The prolonged stress amounts to chronic cortisol levels which depletes us to the point that it affects our long-term (menopausal) health. If we don’t care for ourselves NOW, we will be depleted to the point that we cannot support ourselves throughout the transition of menopause. 

 We are meant to grow old. But we are not supposed to fall apart and degenerate at the rate that we are.

 I’m slipping back into the postpartum realm. Of course, the potent window of healing has passed for me, 2 years in. But the good news is, healing is always available.  I tell the mamas I work with in early postpartum if at any point, over the coming months (or years), they feel like crap, just slip back into the focus and care that we apply to in those early days,B post-baby.

 Here’s what to focus on-

Getting support- If we want to make it out alive… We HAVE align with the support required that we can focus on restoring. And make it a priority. Self-care isn’t enough. Everyone around has to prioritize our health, at LEAST as much as we do. 

 Rest- is one of the most foundational ways to protect our hormones- short and long-term. We all have the super-woman who can do it all complex. Easing up is essential.

Nourishment- Nutrient dense foods. Warm. Simple and loaded with healthy oils and fats.

 Movement- is really important for stress regulation. 

 Quality time- with loved ones, laughter. Fun. 

Developing boundaries- Saying NO! What can be left out?

 Kind and gentle- healing with optimal rest, nourishment  

 Supportive, multilayered practices and therapies- such as meditation, uterine massage, , breath-work, Physical therapy and inter-vaginal work so that the body can recalibrate. 

 We are in a time of repair. Transformation is what’s up right now. May we all find balance on our own respective healing journeys and come into alignment with ourselves. And by virtue of our own healing, hand on a healthy lineage.